Time is Running Out for LegalKey

By Nitza Medina-Garcia


© Cornerstone.IT

Time to let go!
LegalKey (owned by OpenText) reached end of life years ago. What critical issues do firms still using this older technology face?

Current Exposure

Firms that are currently using LegalKey have met multiple compatibility issues with other technologies, most importantly with operating systems such as Windows Server and SQL Server.  Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012 are the last versions to support LegalKey. Firms running older versions of Windows lack the security updates and added features that support modern issues.  So, is it worth running your business on an old operating system just so you can continue using LegalKey?   While it appears that LegalKey is helping your workforce stay productive here is what could easily happen to change that.  Old operating systems, like any outdated technology, leave you exposed to security threats and without support. Any risks associated with older server platforms will continue for you and your firm. 

Risking data breaches, cutting support, and relying on old technology to be productive can expose your firm to litigation, a costly solution that can be detrimental to your business operations.

To learn more about how you can reduce your risk, contact Nitza.

Nitza Medina-Garcia has over 13 years of experience implementing iManage Records Manager, seven of them working for iManage/Autonomy/HP. Her experience goes beyond implementations, having spent the earlier part of her career as a Records Manager. Nitza has developed system design specifications for iManage Records Manager and Work products, managed project implementation milestones, and has been a key advisor in iManage Records Manager product development.

Nitza is a Certified Records Manager and is currently serving as the Past-President of the Greater Sacramento Capitol ARMA Chapter. Nitza has a master’s in library and information science from Pratt Institute.

#LegalIT #iManage Records Manager #LegalKey #EOL
