Lock in Microsoft 365 Legacy Pricing for 2022

Microsoft increases subscription prices, effective March 1, 2022

Microsoft has made two significant changes taking effect on March 1, 2022 that will affect your Microsoft licenses purchasing:

For the first time in 10 years, Microsoft will be increasing its subscription cost for the following SKUs:

  • M365 Business Basic
  • M365 Business Premium
  • O365 E1
  • O365 E3
  • O365 E5
  • M365 E3

Effective March 1, 2022, your payment commitment options will be:

  1. Annual prepaid
  2. Monthly with an annual commitment
  3. Monthly with no annual commitment (+20% premium)

Renew or buy your subscription through Cornerstone.IT by March 1, 2022 before prices go up!

Not taking action could lead to as much as a 50% increase in cost.

Preview what is included in each subscription:
