Cloud Migration Essentials

Migrating to the cloud can require careful IT planning and strategy. Learn how to approach your cloud migration, assess your servers, virtual machines and applications, confidently execute your migration, and optimize your cloud services. Download the Cloud Migration Essentials eBook from Azure and contact Cornerstone.IT to learn more.
Five tips to help you save money and manage costs with Azure

Take advantage of offers and tools to maximize your efficiency and save money with #Microsoft Azure with these 5 simple tips. Want an overview of the features? Check out this short video.
Create instant remote work meetings with Microsoft Teams

Wish you could save time scrolling through your team’s chat and just have a quick meeting instead? Now you can turn a chat conversation into an instant remote meeting using #Microsoft Teams feature, “Meet now.” Check it out!
The Risk in Not Changing
The saying, “no one likes change” is ubiquitous. Whether it is used about people’s reluctance to technology changes or used in our personal lives about old habits, most people do not like change. Jim writes:
Microsoft Netlogon Vulnerability as of February 9, 2021

As of February 9, 2021, any Microsoft customer that has a supported version of Windows Server that is used as a Domain Controller in their environment will no longer allow legacy, unsupported Windows systems to talk to the supported Windows Server Domain Controller unless specific action takes place.
Should you be considering Windows Upgrade as a Managed Service?

We are thrilled to introduce our video series, “We get IT!”,
a user-friendly guide for the IT Director. In this video, Jim Moreo Principal and co-founder of Cornerstone.IT speaks about Windows Upgrade as a Managed Service and why firms should be considering it as part of their IT lifecycle.
Secure Your Workforce with Cornerstone.IT & Microsoft Always On VPN

As more employees are working from home – having a secure connection to your company’s network is important. Watch the video to see how Cornerstone.IT and Microsoft Always On VPN can help.
Remote work problems? Cornerstone.IT can help.

You’ve heard it, you’ve read it, you’ve seen it, and you know it: remote work is here to stay. But it comes with challenges. Let our experience help you!
Cornerstone IT Ranked #15 Among Elite Managed Service Providers on Inaugural NextGen 101 List

Cornerstone.IT Investing in Protecting Your Data