Cornerstone.IT Booth #424 at ILTACON 2022

Cornerstone.IT Booth #424 at ILTACON 2022

ILTACON 2022 is back at the Gaylord National in National Harbor, MD August 21- 25. Cornerstone.IT ventured to Las Vegas last year for the Hybrid event. While in-person traffic was light – it was a first step towards returning to live events. As always, the event had plenty of networking and learning opportunities.

Should you be considering Windows Upgrade as a Managed Service?

Should you be considering Windows Upgrade as a Managed Service?

We are thrilled to introduce our video series, “We get IT!”,
a user-friendly guide for the IT Director. In this video, Jim Moreo Principal and co-founder of Cornerstone.IT speaks about Windows Upgrade as a Managed Service and why firms should be considering it as part of their IT lifecycle.
